Instructor courses for Individuals

First Aid Instructor Study and Training Evaluation Days – Zoom

£80.00 + VAT

In order to fulfill the annual CPD requirements of First Aid Instructors this 1 day enables you to up-date your knowledge and have your teaching evaluated.


These consist of a study morning covering various topics. In addition the afternoon will allow candidates to deliver a first aid session of their choice and so have their training evaluated in accordance with the current HSE guidelines.

Individual price: £80.00 + VAT

They will consist of a study morning covering various topics that are designed to allow for:
Improvement of current skills
Additional skills to allow for greater subject knowledge
A non-threatening environment in which to clear up any questions or points that have been raised during your training

In addition the afternoon will allow candidates to deliver a first aid session of their choice and so have their training evaluated in accordance with the current HSEguidelines.

A certificate of attendance is provided for your CPD records.

This course costs £80.00 plus vat.
Dates and topics available in the next drop down section.
To check availability, please complete and submit the below and a member of our team will come straight back to you.

Individual contact form

Cardiovascular system
Knife crime & catastrophic bleeding
Knife crime & catastrophic bleeding
Paediatric medical conditions
Eye and ear injuries
Trauma injuries

Enquiry Form

Enquiry Form

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