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Calls for compulsory Bleed Kit training in Schools.

A community worker close to the families of two teenagers fatally stabbed, has started a petition to make it compulsory for first aid training for stab victims to be taught in secondary schools.

“We want to make it compulsory that all secondary school children have bleed kit training,” she said. “We think it is important that children and young adults have knowledge from a young age of how to use bleed kits. With all that is happening in the world, we think this could save people’s lives. It may also make young children/adults want to join the healthcare sector”

The petition has been set up on the Government’s Parliament website, and Carly hopes national awareness of the call will take it past the 100,000 signature threshold required to get the idea debated in parliament. The deadline is 23 August 2024.

If your school would like to undertake Bleed kit training please call our team, we can add this to an exiting course or offer a standalone catastrophic bleeding training session.